Thursday, November 8, 2007

Biotechnology fuel global Demand

Biotechnology researcher nowadays are looking for the suitable substance to switch form Oil to an organic fuel or biotech fuel the main reason for that the threats that face the world in case the main countries who export oil or the region around it get in to some clashes or run out of oil , also to find suitable and safe for the environment or what they call it environment friendly energy , that will lower the damage form the nuclear energy station and other resources of energy .
And there is a big demand for the jobs market for students who graduated from university that support or encourage biotechnological research among her staff and students

Sunday, November 4, 2007

EUM-Bio Biotechnology business in Malaysia

Last week an EU- Malaysia biotechnology business partnership event held at MECC Kuala Lumpur, this event consists of biotech research, biotech companies biotech jobs and efficient exhibition, also it was a match- making event for EUM-BIO business , the meeting between researchers and biotech companies as well as research institutes conducted on one-on-one business meeting. The event took place from 25-26 oct 2007
The target groups of the biotechnology event are : Asia Malaysia , European Union and all other contreis that interested in exchange of knowledge regarding biotechnology manaufacring and biotechnology information. Official sponsors: Commerce-ventures, Nestle.
Supportive organizations: MIDA, Biotechcorp. IT partner: hp
the companies that co-funded the event are : Asia invest , MiGHT, Europa Bio , Biofarmind.

बियो asdfj

Friday, November 2, 2007

Biotechnology in food and consumer products : Islamic Perspective

biotehcnology seminar :12 December 2007
Biotechnology it’s a new phenomena in the whole world , due to its massive application and its direct effect on people and the food they consume IIUM will conduct a national seminar , in this seminar researchers will talk about biotechnology form Islamic perspective , that will include halal food , medicine , materials around us ,
The main objectives of this biotechnology seminar are: as mentioned in the website of the IIUM :
Create a platform to discuss common concerns on the implications of biotechnology for food and consumer products.
Create an awareness of Muslim consumers and the public at large about biotechnology in food and products.
Work out general Islamic guidelines on the production and halal status of genetically modified food and products.
For more information about this seminar visit this website